This picture was hard for me to take and took me a while to get it the way I wanted it. The pattern of the net was really organic and asymmetric because there's 2 nets over top of each other and I liked how the pattern changed from one side to the other. The hard part was figuring out how to take the picture so that the net is in focus as well as the background. I had to play with my aperture and the lighting to get it to look like this.
In this photo the subject is the people on stage looking up and I made it look like they were all looking at something on my phone. This photo was taken using forced perspective. When doing the forced perspective project I struggled with finding areas that I could force a new perspective.
This photo was a really fun one I took for the Macro project. There was probably close to 20 photos of this from me trying to get the picture taken at the right time. I had to delete most of them because you could see my finger on the back glass to manipulate the electricity.